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File Preview


PicList's built-in file preview function is designed to help users quickly determine the content of the file for easy management, not to replace professional video players or PDF readers, etc.

To facilitate users in managing files, PicList provides a file preview function that can support different types of files preview such as images, videos, audios, plain text, Markdown documents, etc.

Please refer to the Supported File Formats List for the specific supported file formats.

Preview Function Description

Image Preview

For some object storage platforms, please set the file access permission to public, otherwise it cannot be previewed.

Text File Preview

When previewing text files, general text files will be displayed as code files, and markdown files will be rendered.

During preview, the file needs to be downloaded to local cache before previewing.

For pure text files larger than 1M, it is recommended that you download and open them with other text editors locally.

Video Preview

The video loading speed depends on the network environment, please pay attention to data usage. For larger or high-bitrate video files, it is recommended to download and play them with a professional player.

Supported File Formats List


.bmpBitmap file format.jpeg/.jpgJoint Photographic Experts Group format
.gifGraphics Interchange Format.pngPortable Network Graphics format
.icoIcon file format.webpWebP format


.batBatch file.javaJava source code file
.cC language source code file.jsJavaScript file
.cmdWindows command script file.jsonJSON file
.confConfiguration file.logLog file
.configConfiguration file.phpPHP source code file
.cppC++ source code file.prop/.propertiesProperty file
.cssCascading Style Sheets file.pyPython source code file
.csvComma-separated values file.rcWindows resource file
.dartDart source code file.shShell script file
.gitattributesGit attributes file.tsvTab-separated values file
.gitconfigGit configuration file.txtPlain text file
.gitignoreGit ignore file.xmlXML file
.gitkeepGit keep file.yaml/.ymlYAML file
.gitmodulesGit submodule file.yarnrcYarn configuration file
.goGo source code fileLICENSELicense file
.hHeader file.condarcConda configuration file
.hppC++ header file.mdMarkdown file
.htm/.htmlHTML file.jsx/.tsx/.vueJSX file etc.
.applescriptAppleScript file.eslintignoreESLint ignore file
.lockLock file.ps1PowerShell script file


.aacAAC audio file.mpegMPEG video file
.amvAMV video file.mpgMPEG video file
.aviAVI video file.mtsAVCHD video file
.flacFLAC audio file.oggOgg Vorbis audio file
.flvFlash video file.ogvOgg Theora video file
.m2tsM2TS video file.vobDVD video file
.m4aMPEG-4 audio file.wavWAV audio file
.m4vMPEG-4 video file.webmWebM video file
.mp3MP3 audio file.mp4MPEG-4 video file
.movQuickTime video file.3g23GPP2 video file
.mp4MPEG-4 video file.3gp3GPP video file
.mxfMXF video file.asfAdvanced Systems Format file
.rmRealMedia video file.rmvbRealMedia variable bitrate
.wmvWindows Media video file.mkvMatroska video file

Released under the MIT License.